I was nothin' but a city boy
My trumpet was my only toy
I've blowin' my horn
Since I knew I was born
But there ain't nobody wants to know
I've been
Sleepin' on the sidewalk
Rollin' down the road
I may get hungry
But I sure don't want to get home
So round the corner comes a limousine
And the biggest grin I ever seen
Come on sonny won't you sigh
Right along the dotted line
What you sayin' are you playin'
Sure you don't mean me?
Sleepin' on the sidewalk
Rollin' down the road
I may get hungry
But I sure don't want to get home
(tell you what happened)
They took me to a room without a table
They said "Blow you trumpet into here"
I played around as well as I was able
And soon we had a record of the year
I was legend all through the land
I was blowin' to a million fans
Nothin' was a-missin'
All the people want to listen
You'd have thought I was a happy man
And I was
Sleepin' like a princess
Never touch the road
I don't hungry
And I sure don't want to go home
(have to have some fun)
Now they tell me what I ain't so fashionable
An'I owe the man a million bucks a year
So I told'em where to stick the fancy label
It's just me and the road from here
Back to playin' and layin'
I'm back on the game
Sleepin' on the sidewalk
Rollin' down the road